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NHS App – access issues for older smartphone versions

From February 2025 users of the following versions of iOS and Android operating systems will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones:

  • iOS 12
  • Android 6
  • Android 7

Due to NHS App redesign and improvements last year, a small number of users will no longer have access to NHS App services via an app and will need to access them via their NHS Account using a web browser. You can do this using this link and find out how to do this watching these videos.

Users using iOS 13 and iOS 14 on their phones, can upgrade on their devices to the minimum supported version, iOS 15.

The NHS APP Team sent in-App messages giving this information to the above users in May 2024. Help and support about the NHS App device compatibility can be found on the NHS.UK website here, which has been updated to reflect the minimum device support as follows:

The NHS App will be operating only on:

  • Android version 8 and above, on devices with a front-facing camera
  • Apple iOS version 15 and above

Google has a guide on how to check and update your Android version.
Apple has a guide on how to update your iOS on iPhone.