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Travel vaccinations

If you require or are enquiring about any for vaccinations for foreign travel please complete a travel risk assessment.

A member of the nursing team will send you the advice and guidance for your destination and where vaccinations are required you will be asked to arrange an appointment for the vaccinations to be administered.

Please submit your travel risk assessment at least 6 weeks prior to departure to ensure adequate time is available to complete the course of vaccines required.

Please be aware that at peak travel periods it may take up to 2 weeks to complete a travel risk assessment.

You will find further information about countries and vaccinations required at the following website:

It is important to make this initial contact as early as possible, at least 6 weeks before you travel, as a second appointment may be required with the practice nurse to actually receive the vaccinations. These vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine. Your second appointment may need to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.

If you are due to travel within the next 3 weeks we would advise you to contact the nearest MASTA/Travel Clinic as you will have insufficient time for assessment in the surgery. However we can provide you with a printed record of your vaccine history upon request.

Please note travel consultations/vaccines are not available for temporary residents on the NHS. These can be provided on a private consultation basis at a cost, please ask for details.